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Annual tax declaration for a business owner

30 min – 37 questions
Annual tax declaration for a business owner
1. How do you manage your bookkeeping
Submit all tax forms and the following required documents:
- hourly administration
- kolommenbalans
- grootboekmutatiekaarten
- jaarrekening
Maximum upload size: 50MB

in EXCEL and/or PDF:
– please send an excel- file with your bookkeeping

Maximum upload size: 50MB
if the administration was carried out in the accounting program, send login-password for access

Maximum upload size: 50MB
2. Did you file a business tax return for the previous year with Azarova Consulting?
send a copy of the submitted annual report of Jaarrekening and a copy of the annual declaration of aangifte inkomstenbelasting for the previous reporting year (pdf)
Maximum upload size: 50MB
3. How often do you file the VAT return (НДС, BTW)?
4. Were BTW (VAT, НДС) and ICP reports filed?
If you answered “YES”
send copies of submitted reports
for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th quarters (excel, pdf)
Maximum upload size: 50MB
send copies of letters (excel, pdf, png, jpg)
Maximum upload size: 50MB
5. Do you have a bank account?
please send bank statement that includes the balance on the 1st of January and the 31st of December of the tax year where your personal and business (arrivals and withdrawals connected to your company) transactions are separated (excel, pdf)
Maximum upload size: 50MB
please send bank statement in pdf (that includes the balance on the 1st of January and the 31st of December of the tax year with all transactions) (excel, pdf)
Maximum upload size: 50MB
6. Do you have a company car?
7. Does the company have a loan, long-term contracts, tenancy agreements?
upload copies of contracts
Maximum upload size: 50MB
8. Does the company have assets (computers, furniture, equipment, etc.)?
If you answered “YES”
send a list of all assets
Maximum upload size: 50MB
9. Do you have payroll employees?
If you answered “YES”
indicate the number of employees (send
employee details, employment contracts, employee cards)

Send copies of salary reports - loonaangifte

Maximum upload size: 50MB
10. Did you have payments in other currencies other than euro?
If you answered "YES"
indicate in which currencies the payments were made
11. Did you use electronic currency or payment systems (Paypal, Mollie, Stripe, etc.)?
If you answered “YES”
send the statement (excel, pdf)
Maximum upload size: 50MB
When completing this questionnaire, choose the answer that best suits you.
If you choose the answer "yes" - send a copy of the document that confirms your situation.

General information for M form tax return (m-form declaration - for migrants who have been registered in the Netherlands for less than a year)

If you have lived in the Netherlands for a full year, you do not need to answer questions 2-4.
If you have an extract from gemeente, please send a copy
Maximum upload size: 50MB

BOX 1 - Primary income

Here the list of possible income:

  • salary from the Netherlands,
  • salary from abroad,
  • pension from the Netherlands,
  • pension from abroad,
  • a scholarship allowance,
  • a sickness benefit,
  • income from freelancing,
  • Other one-time income.

Allowances (toeslag) and child benefits (kinderbijslag) are not the income

5. Did you have income in the tax year?
If you answered "YES" - please send a copy of annual statement from your employer (jaaropgaaf).
Maximum upload size: 50MB

6. Did you or your partner commute by public transport to work that is more than 10 km (rounding to 1 km) from your home one-way, and your employer did not reimburse for expenses? *
If you answered "YES" - please describe your situation and add the following information:
- your work address
- the distance between your home and your work
- the number of working days when you got to work by public transport
- the extract from your transport smart card (OV-chipkaart) with the summary of all home-work commutes or your travel tickets
Maximum upload size: 50MB
7. Do you get alimony from your ex-partner (for an adult, not for children!)
If you answered "YES" - send court decisions, send a bank statement with transfers. Specify the amount of the money you received last year
Maximum upload size: 50MB

Additional income

  • your ex-partner paid the mortgage,
  • an annuity,
  • a money judgment and other income that you cannot classify
8. Did you have additional income
If you answered "YES" - describe your situation in detail and add the following information, a statement of your income and connected spendings (if applicable)
Maximum upload size: 50MB

Property in the Netherlands

9. Do you and/or your partner have a property in the Netherlands where you live in (registered)?
If you answered "YES" - please Indicate from what year you own this property and add the following information: a copy of WOZ-waarde
10. Have you purchased property in the Netherlands with a mortgage loan?
If you answered "YES" - If you have a mortgage – add a mortgage statement from the bank
Maximum upload size: 50MB

11. Is there something changed in the tax year? (You bought, sold, rented out or changed the property, or the terms of the mortgage have changed, etc.)
If you answered "YES" - describe your situation and we will tell you what documents we need to send
12. Is your property a monument-building building?
If you answered "YES" - describe your situation and we will tell you what documents we need to send
13. Do you pay VVE payments?
If you answered "YES" - Please send the final document for the reporting year, which indicates how much you have contributed to your VVE
Maximum upload size: 50MB
14. Do you pay erfpacht (the right to use the land and living space on it)?
If you answered "YES" - add a statement with payment
Maximum upload size: 50MB
15. Do you have another property in the Netherlands where you are not registered?
If you answered "YES" - please Indicate from what year you own this property and add the following information: send a copy of WOZ-waarde, if you have a mortgage – add a mortgage statement from the bank
Maximum upload size: 50MB
16. Do you and/or your partner have a property in other countries except the Netherlands?
If you answered "YES" - please specify country, address, and the market value, if you have a mortgage – add a mortgage statement from the bank
Maximum upload size: 50MB

BOX 2 - Income from stocks and shares, dividends

17. Do you and/or your partner hold shares?
If you answered "YES" - send a summary of dividends received, taxes paid
Maximum upload size: 50MB
18. Do you have other investments?
If you answered "YES" - Send the final overview
Maximum upload size: 50MB

BOX 3 - Savings, including foreign deposits

19. Do you have a bank account in a Dutch bank?
If you answered "YES" - senda final overview of all bank accounts (financiele overzicht, jaaroverzicht, annual statement) - the final document from your bank for the year, indicating the balance at the beginning and end of the reporting year, without daily transactions)
Maximum upload size: 50MB
20. Do you have a bank account in a foreign bank (not in the Netherlands)?
If you answered "YES" - senda final overview of all bank accounts (financiele overzicht, jaaroverzicht, annual statement) - the final document from your bank for the year, indicating the balance at the beginning and end of the reporting year, without daily transactions)
Maximum upload size: 50MB

Additional information

21. Do you or your partner have 30% ruling?
If you answered "YES" - please send a copy
Maximum upload size: 50MB
22. Do you pay alimony for your ex-partner (for adult, not for children!)?
If you answered "YES" - attach a copy of the court order. List the amount paid for the year. Send a bank statement with all the amounts listed.
Maximum upload size: 50MB
23. Did you have medical expenses that haven’t been reimbursed by your health insurance?
If you answered "YES" - please describe your situation in detail and send the following information: a final overview of your expenses, a statement from your bank with all payments
Maximum upload size: 50MB
24. Did you have educational expenses that haven’t been covered by your scholarship or employer till 2022?
If you answered "YES" - please describe your situation in detail and add the following information: send the confirmations of enrollment and a statement from your bank with all payments
Maximum upload size: 50MB
25. Did you give gifts or help charity organizations as a sponsor?
If you answered "YES" - send a final overview of your expenses and a statement from your bank with all payments
Maximum upload size: 50MB
26. Did you pay or receive money from the tax authority on the advance report (voorlopige aanslag) in the tax year?
If you answered "YES" - send a copy
Maximum upload size: 50MB
Azarova Consulting