Select the form to be filled out FORM FOR AN INDIVIDUAL FORM FOR AN ANNUAL DECLARATION Personal data for an individual 10 min – 23 questions Form for an individual Date of filling Basic personal data 1. First name (in Latin characters, as stated in the passport) * 2. Last name (in Latin characters, as stated in your passport) * 3. Date of birth * Month * Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year * 4. BSN (a personal tax identification number) * 5. Residential address (registration) * 5. Residential address * Number * Postcode * City * Country * 6. Contact telephone number * 7. Email * 8. Country of birth * 9. Nationality * 10. Since what year you have been registered in the Netherlands? (please enter the date of your first registration with the local municipality aka gemeente) 10. Since what year you have been registered in the Netherlands? Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year Relationship status 11. Do you have a tax partner? YES NO NOTE: *Definition of tax partnership You are tax partners if you are: married or in a registered partnership (in gemeente). If you are registered at the same address and meet one of the following conditions: 1) You have signed a notarial cohabitation agreement, 2) You have a child together, 3) One of you acknowledged the partner’s child, 4) You have joined the same pension fund, 5) You both own the property you live in, 6) One of you have a child who lives with you, 7) You were tax partners in the previous year; Did your relationship status change in the tax year? (marriage, divorce, etc.) * Partner’s first and last names (in Latin characters, as stated in the passport) * Partner’s date of birth * Month * Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year * Partner’s BSN (tax identification number) * Partner’s Nationality * Date of marriage registration * Month * Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year * 12. Do you have children? YES NO First and last names of child (in Latin characters, as stated in the passport) * Child's date of birth * Month * Month Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year * Child’s BSN (tax identification number) * Who does the child live with? * WITH MOM AND DAD WITH MOM WITH DAD OTHER ADD A CHILD DELETE 13. Additional comments client signature Clear client’s partner signature Clear By clicking on the SEND button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to Privacy Policy Send FILL OUT THE FORM FOR AN ANNUAL DECLARATION